Our neo process: Uniquely agile company building
The success of our (spin-off) start-ups is no coincidence: it’s the result of our neo process! The process is inspired by the investment company Abacus alpha. Our team there has supported numerous companies that have been built on growth technologies. We have developed a process that continually advances ideas.
The result? Our successful neo process. Our process makes efficient company building possible. This is demonstrated by our current projects. However, we are also able to recognize the point in the development process when holding on to the project is no longer viable. This allows us to pull the plug in good time. Besides that, our neo process also leaves room for flexibility: talented individuals can join at different stages. They work together in an agile way, and celebrate their joint success as a team at the end.

Getting an overview of the process
Our process-oriented company building
It begins with the two phases of Foresight and Ideation, in which we analyze market segments and technologies, generate initial ideas, and identify business opportunities. This is followed by validating the opportunity in the Scouting and Incubation phases. Together, we develop and test business models and prototypes. This enables us to generate the feedback needed to further improve our approach. The result is a minimum viable product with enough features to be used by early adopters. Now comes the Set-up phase, where the focus is on the company’s founding and development prior to scaling, which is when we focus on the growth and commercial processes.
Recognizing opportunities
In the first phase, we produce comprehensive descriptions of the technologies and market segments and categorize them into the environment that is relevant to them. To do this, we use various data sources, which we analyze using a number of different methods, including natural language processing and generative AI. We develop future forecasts of possible development scenarios and their impact on the technology or market segment in question. It is important to recognize actual changes in the market environment at an early stage and react quickly. Our data analyses enable us to do this. Foresight is a key phase in recognizing opportunities for the entire company building process. As a team, we define the spaces in which the creative development of future products and services should take place.
Identify business potential
Based on the analyses and scenarios that we developed in the Foresight phase, we now look to identify business potential in an organized and structured manner. We tinker and work meticulously, bringing together expertise and rethinking the familiar. This enables us to embark on the next step together developing and validating specific ideas for future business areas or companies before we then evaluate and prioritize them according to the agreed criteria.
Develop, describe, and categorize business models
During the Scouting phase, we validate specific business ideas and potential business areas. To this end, we consult external sources and experts for the analysis. In our team, we also use various tools and methods, including interviews, market segmentation, and Business Model Canvas. Using the various sources enables us to build up market expertise together, helping us evaluate and improve our original business idea. The outcome of the Scouting phase is a description and classification of the business model, as well as a concretization of product options and prototypical customers.
Testing and validating the business model in the market
In this phase, the business model is experimentally validated in the market by testing critical success factors with prototypes. We then adapt the business model further based on the results of these experiments. At the end of Incubation, we have a strategy and a validated blueprint for our start-up (and spin-off) with an initial minimum viable product. Likewise a group of first customers, the so-called early adopters. These two things are the core tasks of Incubation alongside the search for business partners necessary for the development of the business model.
Building a successful company
Based on the validated business model, with a minimum viable product and initial customers, we work to jointly develop a strategy for achieving further market penetration using a marketing and sales plan. We also define a target structure for the new company and draw up an implementation plan with milestones. This strategy determines what steps are required, and in what order, to successfully establish the new company. At the end of the Set-up, you have a functioning, small company.
Implementing the growth strategy
As soon as the new company has established itself in the first market and has a functioning structure, the Scaling phase begins. This is about targeted and planned growth. With a growth strategy based on a marketing and sales plan, we can develop additional products and new customer segments. We also identify new markets in order to ensure the company has a secure position over the long term.

Our success stories
What the neo process looks like in practice
Just now, we are in the process of setting up a company called Nuform using the neo process and are currently in the Incubation phase. Here we show how we custom develop a company from an idea that emerged from one of our investment areas. Read more about the company and its history.
Getting detailed information
Find out more about our company building process
Do you have any questions about company building at Abacus neo? Then get in touch with us. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.